Your Ultimate Winter Fitness Plan

Staying disciplined, and committing to regular exercise in winter is challenging to say the least. But, I am going to share with you how to make your very own Ultimate Winter Fitness Plan, because it has really helped me stay on track with my fitness routine this winter.

I always go back to the fact that being organized allows us to be consistent, and consistency is key when it comes to getting fit and staying fit. So, having a visual plan to look at/follow each day, will motivate you to get your exercise done. And being able to tick off the exercise you have completed at the end of the day, gives you that great sense of achievement.

Wearing: Cotton On Leather Cap, Lorna Jane Sports Bra, Leggings and Shoes



  1. Decide whether you are a morning or evening exerciser. This is hugely important, because screwing with your body clock is only going to make committing to exercise when it is already darker and colder, even more challenging.
  2. Find a training buddy who likes to exercise at the same times as you. Exercise is so much more enjoyable and so much easier to commit to when you know there is some one on this journey with you. But, having said that some people are easily self motivated and prefer training solo which is great too. I like to mix it up, some days I train with friends and some days I like to blast my music and really get into my own zone.
  3. How many days per week are you willing to commit to exercising? I would suggest a minimum of 4 days per week and a maximum of 6 days per week. At least 1 rest day per week is crucial as recovery is just as important as training.
  4. What types of exercise do you prefer, and will help you stick to your plan. This is a very important point as if there is exercise that you enjoy, or are good at, you are more likely to start looking forward to it once you start feeling fitter, and that always helps us stick to plan. I would suggest picking 2 – 3 different types of exercise so that if you are exercising 4 times per week,  for example, you can alternate the types of exercise. This is great to shock the body or keep it guessing, because doing the same exercise day in and day out is eventually going to stop having effect on your body.

Right, now that you have decided, what times you are going to exercise, whether you need a training buddy or not, how many times per week you are going to exercise and what exercise you are going to be doing, you have the tools to making your very own Ultimate Winter Fitness Plan.

I like to print my winter fitness plan out, so that it is clear what exercise I am doing, at what time, and on what day. I also suggest printing two copies for yourself, one for your diary and one to stick up in your bedroom where you can see it, so that you have two reminders every day. Visuals are so powerful, so seeing your plan when you wake up in the morning, as well as reading through it while you are flipping through your diary during the day, is going to motivate you to get your exercise done so that you can tick it off and be done with it.

Being organized and sticking to my ultimate winter fitness plan, has really helped me stay motivated through these colder months, so, I really help it is a good strategy for you too. Please let me know if it helps in the comment box below.

Peace and Love,



Wearing: Cotton On Leather Cap, Lorna Jane Sports Bra, Leggings and Shoes

Photo Credit: Chelsea Cara Photography

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